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Happy Thanksgiving Caregivers

Animated happy Thanksgiving banner

November 2023 is National Family Caregivers Month, a time to recognize and honor family caregivers across the United States and Canada. The month-long campaign aims to raise awareness of caregiving issues, educate communities, and provide resources and support to help caregivers in their caregiving roles. The theme for this year is “Caregiving Around the Clock.” […]


Chatroom for Caregivers

Chatroom For Caregivers has been up and running since June 2022! We started that chatroom because the site where we initially met was sold, and the chat was dropped. Now, #caregivers have a chat for emotional support, resources, and friendship and share stories. The benefits of building a solid caregiver community and how it can positively impact […]


Supporting Aging Parents:

Caregiver reaching to help elderly parent

Aging parents are relying more and more on family members as they age. Most family members are not prepared for the role. Here are some tips.


A Caregiver’s Breaking Point

frozen wave against sunlight

As a caregiver, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed occasionally. However, if you have reached your breaking point, it’s essential to take action to ensure that you are getting the support you need. Here are some steps you can take for A Caregiver’s Breaking Point: A Caregiver’s Breaking Point: Relieve the Stress Our chat […]


Long Distance Caregiver Support

A red banner with Chat For Caregivers hours

Caring for a family member can be challenging and emotionally overwhelming, particularly when you are in a different state and away from your comfort zone. My journey as a long distance caregiver started four years ago. I meet other caregivers during our conversations on various social media sites, I have met novices and seasoned carers. […]


Caregiving has been a difficult road

overcome isolation chat for caregivers banner with chat times

We are caregivers. I started my journey when I retired in 2018. Dad asked for help, and I was willing to do it as often as possible, traveling back and forth before retiring. Caregiving has been a difficult road. After retiring, it was a full-time job. It’s a difficult road, but I know I am […]

Overcome Isolation as a Caregiver

overcome isolation chat for caregivers live chat start time red background

Caregiving is a demanding unpaid job for a family caregiver. It often leads to a feeling of isolation, especially if you are used to socializing. Going out to dinner with friends, happy hour after work on Friday, or simply sitting in the backyard for a long chat are activities a caregiver often doesn’t have time […]


Caregivers’ Chatroom

Paws For Caregivers Caring for the Caregiver

A Caregivers’ Chatroom is a place for caregivers to come and find a bit of respite and resources. Respite care provides temporary relief for a primary caregiver. Take a break and come to your safe haven, a caregivers’ chatroom, for some understanding and empathy. It can be difficult when you are caring for a difficult […]

Challenges Caregivers Experience

Chat For Caregivers addresses these challenges caregivers experience and provides solutions to ease a caregiver’s burden. Feeling Overwhelmed Support Emotional Duties Financial Time for Self-Care Difficult Behaviors Personality Changes Take Time to Rest Managing Medical and Insurance A caregiver navigating the healthcare and insurance systems should begin by researching their options. They should consider the […]

The Caregiving Learning Curve

As a #Caregiver, Is Your Life What You Pictured a Year Ago? The Caregiving Learning Curve steepens as you learn and flattens, then steepens again with each new challenge. Follwing each tip was difficult when my caregiver demands increased when both parents needed help at the same time. September 22, 2021 My Ankle Surgery — […]